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Regaining a Sense of Control Amidst Chaos

Posted by Deb Muoio

Oct 17, 2024 2:43:26 PM


One of the things we crave more than anything else during a crisis is a sense of control. We want to be able to plan ahead. We want to feel prepared. We want to be as sure-footed as mountain goats, as we take steps forward. Here are some tips that can help:

Maintain your routine. Try as much as possible to keep up your regular, daily schedule. Having structure will offer you a greater sense of control. That being said, you may want to consider shaking things up a bit in order to reduce the potential for boredom. If you start your day at 7AM with a shower, coffee, and waffles, then return client calls, answer emails, and do paperwork, mix it up. Exercise in the middle of the day, for example.

Always ask yourself, "What are my options?" If you're feeling stuck, it's essential to take stock of where things stand, and to carefully outline all of the options available to you. You may have more choices than you think you do. The problem is, when we are stressed or panicked, we are often unable to see our situation clearly. This is the impetus behind many rash or fear-based decisions.

Sit down with a piece of paper, write out the problem, and write down your options. Before doing so, you may want to conduct some research on the issue you are dealing with in order to better understand it, to know what's at stake, and to come up with workable solutions.

Deal with one problem at a time, one step at a time. Neither stairs nor problems should be tackled in one giant leap. Pick the most urgent problem, and break it down:

  • What is the issue?
  • What does this issue impact?
  • Who does it impact?
  • What is the first thing that needs to be taken care of? What is the most pressing need?
  • Do you have all the information required to take action? If not, do some research and/or talk to someone who can help you (e.g., financial advisor, therapist, doctor, etc.).
  • Once you gain some knowledge and clarity, outline your options, along with the pros and cons for each one.
  • Choose the most viable option, taking all the potential consequences into consideration.
  • Move forward and implement your solution.
  • Make adjustments if necessary.
  • Move onto the next most pressing issue.

Think like Eisenhower. Even the best planners may not be able to plan for all eventualities. However, you can still be organized and in control in chaotic circumstances. The Eisenhower Box is a quick way to evaluate a situation and determine your priorities. Here's how it works:

Take a piece of paper and draw a square with four quadrants:

  • In the top left quadrant, list all the tasks that are Urgent and Important.
  • In the top right quadrant, list all the tasks that are Not Urgent but Important.
  • In the bottom left quadrant, list all the tasks that are Urgent but Not Important.
  • In the bottom right quadrant, list all the tasks that are Not Urgent and Not Important.


Topics: Personal Development, Problem-solving, Motivation, Change Management

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